Saturday, October 12, 2013

Challenges she faced and how she overcame it

Everyone has to go through a phase where they really want to reach and achieve for something that they have determined to do. Like all of us, if we want to succeed with flying colours, we would definitely do anything just to get good grades and graduate just like everyone else. We read, we study, we revise. The same thing can be implied to Datuk Nicol Ann David. She went through a lot of situations and conditions that brought her down. It could lead to giving up, low self-esteem and other negative impacts to herself.

Datuk Nicol Ann David without a doubt is a normal human being, like the rest of us. She makes mistakes. There are times where she has to accept life as it is and get back on her knees after falling. Despite going through several losses in matches and tournaments; being accused of not focusing and concentrating (some said she deliberately made herself lose because she wasn't giving her best and acted arrogantly in terms of how she views every tournament). Well, frankly speaking, I believe in everything that she was pursuing eversince the starting of her career, she gave her best. She is humble, down to earth and always generating positive vibes. It meant more than anything. She pushed herself and went beyond her limits. She set her mind right and had priorities. Although there were a portion of people who dissed her while she was in her process of achieving her dreams, she put everything aside that wasn't relevant to her and rocked the court. Datuk Nicol Ann David is truly amazing and hardworking. All her efforts did not go down the drain, it rather made her stronger. She turned her losses into lessons, and improved.

For those who have doubted her, for those who have underestimated her, for those who have thought that she was just average; she proved those people wrong.

She is sincerely an idol, a motivator, and an inspiration. Her never-say-die-hard attitude helped her in her career, she made full use of her turning point. She made her dreams, into reality.
